
Thanksgiving and Shit

Great thanksgiving with friends and hung out with family on Saturday.  It’s is always a nice thing, but good to get to go back to my own home.

The theme I initally was going to use turned out to just be too crappy of display so I went back to the original theme of BlogEngine. It kind of sucks, but I will slowly modify it to at least a color scheme I like.  I find the default penis looking favicon to be funny so will be changing that eventually as well.  It’s more disturbing than funny I guess.

The Black Friday crazyness videos on You Tube are just hilarious. I guess eventually I will collect some links and post them here, but now I was just going to ramble on about it.  I am not into the Black Friday thing, it just seems insanely silly and down right retarded really.  Am I really to that age where I just don’t want anything that the retail stores have to offer that I need to stand in line and be herded through some doors and gates to get some artifically inflated trinkets that I could have bought the week before and the week after for the same price or perhaps even cheaper.  Or, buy it online at my leisure online.  I just don’t get it.  Oh well.

I think after this post I will install the spell checker as well.  I am sure my spelling errors are torture.


Welcome To My Hell

Changing up the entire AutoNarcosis website, I’m re-creating it using some blog software.  I will post some really old entries from when I first started this website back in 1997. Life sure does keep on changing.  I will most likely post random thoughts and ramblings here that may or may not make any sense to anyone reading it.  Perhaps I will entertain a few people.  I will eventually create my own theme, or at least modify an exsisting one to what I would like. In the mean time I am using this super fun time XtreemBlog theme which kind of looks a bit cheesy.  Plus the theme needs an entry!