Dogs Nattai

Summer Fun

Dogs Nattai

Nattais’ 5th Birthday

May 25th Nattai turned 5 years old. I got him some cookie treats and a haul of toys from Pet Smart. A Chuck It flying Squirrel, 3 pack of Chuck It balls and a couple basic toys.

I had to read the fine print to make sure I actually bought a cookie for dogs and not people!
Nattai with his new toys. Squeaky Yellow spiked ball and the Chuck-It flying squirrel.

Dogs Nattai

Stick Is Life

Close up photo of Nattai a Blue Heeler cattle dog panting.
Close up of Nattai after fetching stick.

It’s been almost two months with Nattai now. He’s adjusting to his new life very well. I tried to set him up for success and I feel like it is working well. Might have thrown him into the fire in certain instances too soon on some things. It’s hard to not know that he hasn’t experienced things that are normal day to day for me. Or some things that you’d have expected a dog to have already experienced.

Nattai fetching a stick.
Dogs Nattai

Nattai the Cattle Dog

Meet my re-homed Australian Cattle Dog Blue Heeler, Nattai.

It was time for another chapter in my life.