
We Know You’re Lying

People seem to not want to believe that there are technologically minded people, and those people have been around for a lot longer than they want to believe.  Time and again I come across individuals that prescribe to the idea that I can just make shit up about what I am doing online and it will be the truth.  Cause, you know, the Internet is magic and just works, or something.  It works because thousands of dedicated people slave behind computers and various network devices to make it work.  Those people, monitor and keep track of what their devices are doing to make sure they are doing what they are supposed to.  So, when those brilliant lying people say things like “I sent that e-mail last night!”. “I called you multiple times over the week!”. We know you are lying!  Every service on the Internet has meticulous log files that tell us what the service is doing and who it’s doing it with. We trust the devices we use and maintain everyday over the lying asshole douche bag.  

By Geoff

I do things with computers.